Frequently Asked Questions:
How are you different and why should I come to you?
My goal is to get you out of pain and returning to function as quickly as possible. If this requires just a few sessions, that is extremely gratifying for me and obviously, beneficial for you. This is what differentiates me. I pride myself on teaching self management strategies. Treatments include manual (hands on) therapies, exercises/rehab, and home care education. This combination of intervention along with my stated goals are what makes me unique.
Once I begin care, will I have to keep coming?
The quick answer is no. You will not be pressured into buying a prepaid treatment package or signing up for prolonged months of care. That is not how I operate my practice. If you are looking for this type of arrangement, I am happy to make the appropriate referral.
Your course of treatment will depend on the nature of your condition, when symptoms began, and your daily activity and stress levels. Although each case is different, patients usually respond within the initial weeks of care. Chronic pain cases are managed differently due to their complexity. Some patients continue with periodic care as they find treatments help maintain the results they have achieved as well as prevent additional injuries.
I don't want to be "cracked". What are other treatment options?
Spinal manipulation (chiropractic adjustment) is safe and effective for certain conditions. Not all patients receive joint manipulation. It is determined on a case by case basis.
Don't I need X-Rays before treatment?
I do not take routine X-Rays in my office. If I feel that X-Rays are warranted, I will give you a prescription to a local radiology facility.
The fact is that X-Rays of most people over the age of 30 will show abnormalities which are completely normal.
It is also a fact that there is poor correlation between X-Ray findings and symptoms. Based on these two facts, it is safe to treat without X-Rays.
Do you accept my insurance?
My practice is out of network for most insurance. In some cases, claims will be submitted for you. In others, you will be given paperwork to submit to your insurance on your own.
The office will call your insurance company on your behalf to determine benefits. Typically, an out of network deductible must be met before reimbursement kicks in. Payment for self paying patients, deductibles, or coinsurance in the form of cash, check, or credit card are due at the time of service.
How long do treatments take?
Your first appointment will last about 60-75 minutes. Subsequent visits will last around 40 minutes.
MRI showed I have herniated discs. Doesn't that mean I will be in pain my entire life?
Disc abnormalities on MRI are actually very common findings, even in asymptomatic individuals. It is typically the inflammation associated with the disc abnormality which causes symptoms. Once inflammation is controlled and muscles are rehabbed, patients can do extremely well, even in the presence of herniated and bulging discs. Severe cases may be co-managed with a pain management specialist.